Friday, December 30, 2011

Storage Tutorial [pic heavy]

I stayed home from work today and decide to talk about this tutorial, but then decided that if I could figure out how to do something, anyone can [I'm pretty slow]

But then I changed my mind again, and here we go.

First, you want to get a box/bucket. I got mine at my job, they're used to hold screws and we throw them out after we sell them all. I'm sure any place is willing to give them to you, or you can dumpster dive for them.

You then want to prime it. This helps the color stick better.

After, choose your color and just paint it.

This is after two coat.

Do as many as you want, and then ::glorious music:: STORAGE SPACE!
I've made 4 so far, and one for my co-worker.
I also spray painted the lids with chalkboard black.
Overall, this project was realllllly inexpensive for me. And it's great because I'm very limited on space at my place.

Hopefully this helped.
I'd love to see your versions if you make any. :3

Thanks for reading~~


  1. loooove this! i love the chalkboard tops! so cute!

  2. Oooh, the chalkboard tops are a great idea!
